Happy 2020! Let’s Start This New Year Right!

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If you are like me, you made your list of New Year’s goals with good intentions to follow through this time around – especially as we just entered a whole new decade! Maybe you’re trying to go to the gym more often, or cut down on sugars, or wake up earlier – there are dozens of simple changes like these that you can make that will aid your overall health and wellness.

My three primary goals in 2020 are to get back into a regular trail running routine, to eat less chocolate and sweets, and to get outside more.

Something else I’m going to try this year is adding MitoQ to my daily supplements – it’s a mitochondria-targeting version of the CoQ10 antioxidant – I started using at the beginning of the year. Its main purpose is to support healthy energy levels, mental focus, and your overall well-being – honestly I’ve never heard a supplement like it before, so I’m giving it a shot.

If you’re thinking that the last time you heard the word mitochondria was in high school biology – well, you’re not alone! Let me give you a refresher course. Each of us have TRILLIONS of cells in our body, and almost all of these cells have mitochondria which turn the food we eat, and oxygen we breathe into fuel for our cells – to enable them to function properly.

Just like many things – these mitochondria work well when we are young, but by the time we get to 30, studies suggest that the mitochondria can start slowing down and we are affected with lower energy, focus, and stamina. So by supporting the mitochondria, we should in theory benefit from higher energy levels, which makes you feel as if you’ve slowed down the aging process!

So far, I definitely have noticed higher energy after just two weeks of trying it. Other benefits I’ve noticed in myself are higher endurance levels and quicker recovery times for my workouts.

Yeah, I’m still working on lessening my chocolate intake ; ) but I’m feeling like it’s going to be a great 2020! This March I’m hoping to do my 2nd “Behind the Rocks Ultra” in Moab, UT – it’s a 50 mile race and last year it wore me down. I’m hoping with my new diet, increased training, and the MitoQ supplement that I’ll not only finish stronger this time, but feel amazing doing it.

What are your main goals in 2020?

Guys – this is a sponsored post in partnership with MitoQ who gave me the supplement to try. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own – I’ve been taking MitoQ for the past month and because I feel great, I’m going to be continuing to take it!