Comfort From the Cold

What do you like doing to get warm on a cold day? Maybe stay inside and cuddle under a blanket? Or make some hot cocoa? Or maybe bundling up with a bunch of layers to enjoy the outdoors?


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Well for me, one of my favorites is to go out onto my porch and sit in my hot tub! This last week, out of the blue, it snowed and it was a perfect chance for me to get this baby going.

Yes, the running through the snow to the hot tub isn’t the most glamorous, but it does make the warmth of the water that much better! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the heat and the steam rising from the water.

And my absolute favorite is sitting in my hot tub while the snow is falling. There I am lounging in the delightful spa as the snowflakes touch down and cover my hair -making my arms cold and then dipping my head under the hot water to get warm again. I don’t know what it is, might be the contrast of the hot and cold, but it rejuvenates me on cold days that would normally get me down and make me not want to get up and do anything except stay inside, where it is warm.

It’s almost like a loose metaphor for life though, isn’t it? Life is full of cold (bad) things, but without that cold (bad), you wouldn’t appreciate the warmth (good) as much.

What are the things in your everyday that make you appreciate the good things about life? And what are your favorite things to keep warm when it gets cold outside? Hop on over to my Instagram and write me a comment on this post, ‘cause I would love to hear your answers!

Stay warm out there!!!